I'm getting excited... March 7th my Oatmeal Tea Tree oil soap will be cured enough so I can test a bar and see how I like it!
I launched my Website yesterday and started a Facebook fan page a few days ago and have gotten a lot of people asking about Oatmeal Tea Tree Oil Soap, so I'm anxious to make sure this batch is awesome because I'm sure it will be a best seller :)
Picking up some materials to make some more of the batches I've already got on hand, cause I'm running low on soap inventory already! I've got 2 orders to fulfill in the next week, and have some requests for other fragrances, so may pick up some new essential oils while I'm in town today too.
But Ooooh, I just remembered... I ordered a new Silicone Loaf mold, a crinkle soap cutter and a Mitre box so I can cut my soaps a consistent size and they will come out a consistent shape and size! Now I'm anxious... I have to wait until those come in before I can make more soap... AHHHH!!! I could make soap with the mold I've been using, but each bar winds up being vastly different sizes and the mold tends to warp when it's hot so sometimes the shapes are odd...
Alas, I guess I'll wait until they come in, but I'm still picking up the supplies today!